英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:To do or not to do? Backwards Exercising Explained – Ridge Athletic Clubs



Will Smith went to the License Bureau in Detroit to apply for a driver’s license.  The Bureau was crowded. 


An officer hastily thrust a paper across the desk and said, “Write your last name first and your first name last.”  Confused, Smith asked, “How’s that, again, sir?”  The officer disgustedly said, “Like I said, ‘Backwards.’”


More confused, Smith decided to give up and follow what the officer just said.  He wrote; “lliW htimS.”


Smith had always thought that the people working for the government or public offices were using a little different language from ordinary people like him.  But society keeps going as they say after all, he knew.  Then, the officer must know what he said, though it was totally inconceivable to him, he concluded.  So, he wrote his name backwards as he was instructed.