英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:How Do You Overcome Stage Fright? – Kentucky Counseling Center



Vladimir Horowitz, the renowned concert pianist, used to get stage fright often to the extent of feeling nausea in his early days.


One evening he was in the wings about to go onstage when he felt it coming.  Totally unable to stir confidence in playing, he told the manager that he couldn’t play that evening.


Perplexed, the manager replied, “Well, if you can’t, you can’t.  But can you at least go onstage and excuse yourself to the audience?  They are here to listen to your performance.”  Horowitz had no other way but to go onstage to apologize to the audience.


He faced the audience to speak, and then he realized that he had never spoken to the audience before, and that speaking was much more frightening than playing.  Playing the piano, which had been the source of panic until moment earlier, was suddenly not so frightening compared with speaking.  The piano was right behind him waiting for him.  He lunged at it and played.  He played as well as he had ever played in his life, without a trace of the incident which had barely been avoided.