英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Pirate, Movie & TV Theme Costumes, Search LightInTh


My five-year-old son was pestering us for an iPad.  “My friend brought his to school, and I want one too,” he insisted.  We had seen the computer whiz kids on TV.  Since when had they come down to five-year-old kids?


Why was it an iPad, not iPhone in the first place?  Moreover, our son has never touched even an iPhone, let alone use it.  “Absolutely not,” said my husband.  “they’re expensive and fragile.  Besides, what would you even do with an iPad?”


Our son replied, “I’d put it over my eye and play pirates with my friends.”


What flashed in my mind was our son placing an iPad on his face.  It’s ridiculous.  We finally realized that our son was talking about the eye pad, not iPad.  He was saying that he wanted to put an eye pad over his eye, and play pirates with his friends.