ジョークを英語で解釈してみましょう【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Japanese fashion tycoon Maezawa shows off $900 million …



At a HIGH-SCHOOL REUNION, the guests were shocked to see old Zeke, the recipient of the “Least Likely to Succeed Award”, drive up in a chauffeured Rolls-Royce, escorted by two gorgeous movie starlets.


As Zeke walked around shaking hands and passing out bottles of champagne, one classmate asked how he had managed to amass such wealth.


Zeke smiled and said, “Well, fellows, I found a product that I could make for a dollar.  It sells right well for four dollars.  What amazes me is how that three percent adds up!”


(トークラインのご利用者様にお送りしている12月9日付のHANDOUTの一部で、The Reader’s Digestからの転載です)