The murder suspect’s trial wasn’t going well, so his attorney resorted to a trick. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,” he said, “I have a surprise for you. In one minute, the real murderer will walk into this courtroom.”
Stunned, the jurors looked toward the door, but nothing happened. The lawyer chuckled. “I lied. But because you all looked with anticipation, that proves there is reasonable doubt as to my client’s guilt, and I insist that you find him not guilty.”
The jury retired to deliberate, then returned a verdict of guilty.
“But you must have had some doubt,” bellowed the lawyer. “You all stared at the door.”
“Oh, we looked,” said the jury foreman. “But your client didn’t.”
(トークラインのご利用者様にお送りしている8月8日付のHANDOUTの一部で、The Reader’s Digestからの転載です)