英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Signs You Are A Henpecked Husband – Boldsky.com



My sister was a redhead.  As is often the case with redhead people, she was a strong-willed person who would express her opinion in any situation.


When she married a taciturn ensign, everyone thought he would soon be the world’s most henpecked husband.  To everyone’s surprise, however, she behaved from the start always taking a backseat to her husband.  I asked her what happened, and she told me the following story.


“The first thing I saw when we stepped into our new home was a pair of his trousers thrown over a chair.  I started to put them away, but he told me to put them on.  I had no idea what it meant to him, but to find out what he had in mind, I put them on.  They were about six sizes too big.  ‘Do they fit?’ he asked.  ‘Oh, sweetheart, you know they don’t,’ I answered.  He pulled me to his knees and said, pretending to be serious, ‘Then never forget who wears the pants in this family!’ “


My sister’s husband, who had grasped her strong character before they married, had chosen the most effective timing to show her in the easiest-to-understand way possible that he was the person who would take a lead in the family.